Under this Relief and Rehabilitation package of Madhya Pradesh Government the Department of Gas Relief and Rehabilitation, Bhopal, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh a skill development project was assigned to Bhaskar Foundation. The objective of this project was to train people who affected in Bhopal during Gas Tragedy in December, 1984. During FY 2012 – 13 training was provided to 430 youth in trades like Retail sales, Welder and Multi Skilled Technician (MST). Placement was provided to 347 candidates out of 430 successfully trained candidates.
After successfully completion of 1st Phase target of Bhopal Gas Rahat Skill Development Project, we were awarded another project in January, 2013 to train and place 270 youth and we have successfully implemented the training in skills like computer fundamentals and DTP operator and provide placement to the successful trained candidates.